Please visit your child's Seesaw account regularly for updates on their learning.
Welcome to Ferney Lee Nursery
Autumn 1
Look how well we are settling in!
Autumn 1 in Nursery
The children are settling into Nursery so well this half term and beginning to explore the new classroom and outdoor area. They are already showing us things they love and Mrs Kidd is getting excited about where these interests will take us this year. Lots of us love vehicles, dinosaurs, dressing up, our families, especially babies and dolls, minibeasts and we definitely love getting messy! If your child has a specific or new interest please always let us know and we will try and incorporate it into the learning.
Have a look at the pictures above to see how much fun they've been having.
This half term the teachers will be focusing on getting to know the children and making sure we are doing everything we can to help them feel safe and secure. Please speak to us if you have any concerns or if there is anything you think we can do to help your child with their transition to school.
We will look at topics like 'our feelings', 'starting school 'Who am I?', 'families', 'friends' and 'homes'. These topics are to enable the teachers to get to know us and they may change if we take our learning in a different direction.
Autumn 2!
This is what we will be learning about this half term. We use this planning as a guide though and we do change topics and activities based on children's current interests or next steps.
Spring 1
This half term we will be looking at lots of topics but our main focus will be 'People Who Help Us' and we will be working up to our trip to the fire station at the end of the half term. We will start off by looking at the people who help us everyday at home and at school and then move on to the people who help us in the community. We will also be celebrating Chinese New Year and we will spend a week learning about Little Red Riding Hood and linking this to our over arching topic. Look below to the see the Medium Term plan and all the different things we will be looking at.
Spring 2
This half term we will be looking at lots of child initiated topics. These subjects are things the children have shown us they love and we want to use this to make their learning as fun and engaging as possible. We will also have an over arching, on going topic of 'Seasonal Change' and keep an eye on all of the changes in our garden and down at Forest Friends.
Seasonal Change - Spring
We have been looking for signs of Spring and helping the flowers bloom in our Nursery Garden.
Summer 1
This half term our over arching topic is 'Where in the World?'. We will be focusing on a different country each week based on the countries that are important to our children and their families. We will be looking at the languages, traditions, foods and flags of each country and at the end we will be celebrating how they are all unique and special.
We will also be going on a trip to the Little Lancashire Village to enjoy all the different role play areas they have there. The children in our nursery adore role play and we wanted to foster their love for learning in this way by giving them an opportunity to enjoy a space solely devoted to this. On this week we will be taking a break from our over arching topic and looking at traditional tales, in particular 'Cinderella'.
Information about our nursery
All three year-olds are entitled to 15 hours of free nursery education. Some, are eligible for 30 hours. However, at Ferney Lee, we have taken the decision to offer 30 hours free Nursery education to ALL families.
For more information about this please contact the school office.
School meal - £2.50 (your child can bring a packed lunch if they choose)
To find out if you are eligible for Free School Meals, please contact the school office.
Meet the staff...
Mrs Kidd - Class Teacher (Monday to Thursday)
Mrs Dumville - Class Teacher (Friday)
Miss Georgia - Teaching Assistant
Miss Hayhurst - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Pitt - Teaching Assistant
Miss Destiny - EYFS Apprentice
Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR
01706 254848