Ferney Lee Primary School

Great things happen here

Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR

01706 254848


Welcome to Year 3

Our Class Library

Below are the core texts and literature we will be using in Year 3 to support the delivery of our curriculum. 

What Year 3 are learning about this half term?

Summer 2

Our key Historical  enquiry question is : What was the Ancient Greeks influence on the modern world?

Here are some of the main objectives we will cover:


  • What was life like in ancient Greece?
  • Time line of Ancient Greece
  • Map of ancient Greece
  • What were the different ruling systems in place in the Ancient Greek times?
  • What are the significance and differences between Sparta and Athens?
  • What happened at the battle of Marathon and why it is so significant ?
  • What are the similarities and difference on democracy in ancient Greece to democracy today? 


In English, our core texts for this half term are:

Orchard Greek Myths

by Geraldine McCaughrean and Emma Chichester Clark

Greek Myths
Meet the Heroes, Gods, and Monsters of Ancient Greece

Theseus and the Minotaur


Greek Myths Paperback


Here are the independent writing outcomes we will cover:

Writing to entertain:  

  • Narrative – Icarus and Daedalus
  • Character description- Minotaur
  • Narrative- Theseus and the Minotaur
  • Kenning Poetry – Minotaur 

Writing to persuade

  • Letter to King Minos


In Science, we will continue our unit on Plants

Our key enquiry question is: How do plants grow?

In the unit we will:

  • Identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers.
  • Investigate what plants need for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how these needs vary from plant to plant.
  • Investigate the way in which water is transported within plants.
  • Research the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.


In Art, we will carryout a unit on Seurat and Pointillism

In the unit we will:

  • Find out who Georges Seurat was and explore his style of art.
  • Explore how to create art in the style of pointillism 
  • Explore how Seurat used colours in his art work
  • Explore Seurat’s paintings and how he created effects and shading.
  • Create our own pointillism art work.


In Music, we are leaning song for our end of school production' Mary Popping's'.


In RE, our unit is Who can inspire us?

 In the unit we will:

  • Describe and make links between different leaders (religious and non-religious), exploring similarities and differences.
  • Explain how leaders teach through their personal qualities, actions and stories.
  • Give examples of the ways in which communities follow their leaders


In Computing, our unit is Video trailers

In the unit, we will:

  • Describe the purpose of a trailer.
  • Create a storyboard for a book trailer.
  • Consider camera angles when taking photos or videos.
  • Import videos and photos into film editing software.
  • Add text to a video.
  • Incorporate transitions between images.
  • Evaluate their own and others’ trailers.


In RHE, our unit is Coping with feelings when things change

How can I deal with changes in a positive way?

We will be learning to:

  • discuss the impact of certain changes and some of our feelings about these
  • explain how to deal with changes in a positive way.
  • explain ways to demonstrate empathy
  • identify and describe ways to support others who are feeling sad.
  • identify positive things in our lives and in the lives of others 
  • demonstrate things which can help if someone doesn't feel OK
  • describe ways to ask for help and support.


In French, our unit is French transport

In the unit, we will:

  • Explain strategies for working out the meaning of words.
  • Recognise nouns that are cognates or near cognates.
  • Recognise transport words in written form.
  • Join in with a song using actions to aid recall.
  • Form simple statements about a picture, using and adapting a model.
  • Create a range of different phrases using a sentence builder.
  • Generally, speak words with accurate pronunciation.
  • Write a simple sentence, using a model for support and using two different accents.


In PE, our unit is Athletics

In the unit we will:

● Learn how to run at fast, medium and slows speeds, changing speed and direction

● Take part in a relay, remembering/knowing when to run and what to do

● Know how to increase the distance that a thrown object travels through effective technique



Our previous learning


Summer 1


Our key Geographical  enquiry question is : What is a biome and why are they all so different?

Here are some of the main objectives we will cover:


  • What is a biome?
  • Where can the different biomes be found?
  • Why is the climate so different in each biome?
  • What animals can be found in each biome? 
  • Which plants can be found in different biomes?
  • How are biomes threated by human activity?

In English, our core texts for this half term are:

  • Flood by Alvaio F Villa
  • Little people, big dreams. David Attenborough by Maria Isabel Sanchez
  • Little Beauty by Anthony Brown
  • Dot by Peter Reynolds
  • Angry Arthur by Hiawyn Oram

Here are the independent writing outcomes we will cover:

Writing to Entertain: Flood Narrative

Writing to Entertain: Metaphor Poem - Angry Weather

Writing to Inform: Biography - David Attenborough 


In Science, our unit is Plants

Our key enquiry question is: How do plants grow?

In the unit we will:

  • Identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers.
  • Investigate what plants need for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how these needs vary from plant to plant.
  • Investigate the way in which water is transported within plants.
  • Research the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.


In Design and Technology,  our unit is Constructing a castle

In the unit, we will:

  • Draw and label a simple castle that includes the most common features.
  • Recognise that a castle is made up of multiple 3D shapes.
  • Design a castle with key features which satisfy a given purpose.
  • Score or cut along lines on the net of a 2D shape.
  • Use glue to securely assemble geometric shapes.
  • Utilise skills to build a complex structure from simple geometric shapes.
  • Evaluate their work by answering simple questions.


In French, our unit is In our Classroom

In the unit, we will:

  • Show their understanding of key vocabulary with a physical response.
  • Attempt to imitate the pronunciation of vocabulary accurately.
  • Correctly identify masculine and feminine nouns in written form.
  • Use modelled language to create questions or sentences using appropriate articles.
  • Deduce the meaning of new words, matching labels to pictures using a range of language detective skills.
  • Attempt to build their own sentences using labels as a model.
  • Speak clearly and present simple phrases when supported visually.
  • Use appropriate intonation to engage the audience.


In Music, we are leaning to play the ukulele


In RE, our unit is - How do creation stories teach us about our world? 

This unit will explore the creation stories from Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Sikhism.  It will consider how these stories have impacted upon the faiths in the past, and how relevant they are today.  It will allow pupils to compare and contrast the different creation stories.  



In PE, our unit are: Games Striking and Field Games

In the unit, we will:

  • To understand different types of throwing techniques and be able to apply when appropriate
  • To develop a variety of striking and fielding skills
  • To practise receiving techniques for catching a ball and be able to apply when appropriate
  • To develop fielding techniques and team communication
  • To consolidate sending, receiving, and striking skills already learnt
  • To develop different striking techniques and be able to strike the ball for distance



In Computing, our unit is Video trailers

In the unit, we will:

  • Describe the purpose of a trailer.
  • Create a storyboard for a book trailer.
  • Consider camera angles when taking photos or videos.
  • Import videos and photos into film editing software.
  • Add text to a video.
  • Incorporate transitions between images.
  • Evaluate their own and others’ trailers.


In RHE, our unit is Healthy body, healthy mind

In the unit, we will learn about:

  • explain why sleep is important to our health and wellbeing
  • describe a good sleep routine.
  • describe the different types of food that make up a healthy diet
  • explain why it is important to have a healthy diet.
  • explain what germs are and what they can do to our bodies
  • explain how viruses spread between people
  • describe a range of ways to keep our bodies clean and free of germs.


Spring 2


Our key Historical  enquiry question is : How did life in Britain change throughout the Bronze and the Iron Age?

Here are some of the main objectives we will cover:


  • How long did the Bronze age and Iron age last?
  • Who were the Beaker people?
  • How did tools change after the Neolithic period?
  • What was life like during the Iron Age?
  • Who were the Druids?
  • What is a hillfort?


In English,  our core text for this half term is: The Nothing to See Here Hotel by Steven Butler     


Here are the independent writing outcomes we will cover:

Writing to Entertain: Character Description -Granny Regurgita

Writing to Entertain: Diary entry 

Writing to Entertain: Limerick 

Writing to Entertain: Suspense Chapter


In Science, our unit is Light

Our key enquiry question is: How can we change the size of a shadow?

In the unit we will:

  • Recognise that I need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light.
  • Notice that light is reflected from surfaces.
  • Recognise that light from the sun can be dangerous and that there are ways to protect their eyes.
  • Recognise that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by a solid object.
  • Find patterns in the way that the sizes of shadows change.

In Design and Technology,  our unit is Constructing a Castle

In the unit, we will:

  • Draw and label a simple castle that includes the most common features.
  • Recognise that a castle is made up of multiple 3D shapes.
  • Design a castle with key features which satisfy a given purpose.
  • Score or cut along lines on the net of a 2D shape.
  • Use glue to securely assemble geometric shapes.
  • Utilise skills to build a complex structure from simple geometric shapes.
  • Evaluate their work by answering simple questions.

In French, our unit is In a French classroom.

In the unit, we will:

  • Show their understanding of key vocabulary with a physical response.
  • Attempt to imitate the pronunciation of vocabulary accurately.
  • Correctly identify masculine and feminine nouns in written form.
  • Use modelled language to create questions or sentences using appropriate articles.
  • Deduce the meaning of new words, matching labels to pictures using a range of language detective skills.
  • Attempt to build their own sentences using labels as a model.
  • Speak clearly and present simple phrases when supported visually.
  • Use appropriate intonation to engage the audience.


In Music, we are leaning to play the ukulele


In RE, our unit is How do people express spirituality?

In the unit, we will:

  • Observe and respond thoughtfully to the ways beliefs and spirituality are expressed through various art forms
  • Express their beliefs and values through creating a piece of expressive art


In PE, our unit is Outdoor and Adventurous

In the unit, we will:


  • Knows how to follow a map in a familiar context
  • Knows how to use clues to follow a route
  • Knows how to follow a route safely
  • Develop communication and teamwork skills


In Computing, our unit is Google - Email

In the unit, we will:

  • Log in and out of email.
  • Send a simple email with a subject plus ‘To’ and ‘From’ in the body of the text.
  • Edit an email.
  • Type in the email address correctly and send the email.
  • Add an attachment to an email.
  • Write an email using positive language, with an awareness of how it will make the recipient feel.
  • Recognise unkind behaviour online and know ow to report it.
  • Offer advice to victims of cyberbullying.
  • Recognise when an email may be fake and explain how they know.


In RHE, our unit is Families and Committed Relationships

In the unit, we will learn about:

  • what commitment means and why it is important
  • about different ways that people show commitment.
  • about changes that can happen in families
  • how changes might affect families in good or not so good ways
  • how to manage change.
  • how separation can affect people within a family
  • who can help when there are big changes within a family
  • ways in which feelings can change.



Spring 1

Our key Geographical  enquiry question is : Are volcanoes and mountains linked?

Here are some of the main objectives we will cover:


  • How is the earths structure made?
  • What are tectonic plates and where are the boundaries?
  • How are volcanoes formed and what are their features?
  • What are the different types of mountain and how are they formed?
  • What are the features of a mountains?
  • Where are the worlds most famous mountain ranges found?
  • Do people live near volcano and mountain sites? 


In English,  our core texts for this half term are: 

Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit

Mountains - Dazzling Geographic Journey by Rebecca Khan     

Mountains of the World by Dieter Braun

World of Wonder Mountains by Charlotte Guillain      


Here are the independent writing outcomes we cover:

Writing to Entertain: Setting description - Pompeii

Writing to Inform: Report - Eruption of Pompeii

Writing to Entertain: Volcano Poetry


In Science, our unit is Rocks

Our key enquiry question is: What types of rock are there?

In the unit we will:

  • Compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties
  • Describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock
  • Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter.


In Art,  our unit is Drawing: Growing artists

In the unit, we will:

  • Know the difference between organic and geometric shapes.
  • Use simple shapes to form the basis of a detailed drawing.
  • Use shading to demonstrate a sense of light and dark in their work.
  • Shade with a reasonable degree of accuracy and skill.
  • Blend tones smoothly and follow the four shading rules.
  • Collect a varied range of textures using frottage.
  • Use tools competently, being willing to experiment.
  • Generate ideas mostly independently and make decisions to compose an interesting frottage image.
  • Make considered cuts and tears to create their ideas.
  • Understand how to apply tone, with some guidance about where to use it.
  • Draw a framed selection of an image onto a large scale with some guidance.
  • Try a range of drawing materials, beginning to demonstrate expressive marks by trying tools in an interesting way.


In French, our unit is French playground games - numbers, time and age.

In the unit, we will:

  • Recall all numbers one to six, with generally accurate pronunciation, in particular vowel and combinations sounds (‘un‘, ‘eu‘, ‘oi‘ and ‘in‘).
  • Join in with a song using actions.
  • Respond to numbers by showing fingers or ticking on whiteboards.
  • Ask and answer a question about their age.
  • Change their answers and recognise number words.
  • Listen carefully and relate sounds to a written phoneme.
  • Recall numbers one to twelve with increasingly accurate pronunciation.


In Music, our unit is Developing singing techniques.

In the unit, we will:

  • Move and sing as a team, following the lyrics on the screen.
  • Recognise minims, crotchets and quavers often by ear and reliably by sight.
  • Perform rhythms accurately from notation and layer them to create a composition.
  • Add appropriate sound effects to their performances using untuned percussion.
  • Join in with the performances confidently, and reasonably in time and tune.
  • Make suggestions for improving their performance.


In RE, our unit is How do people express spirituality?

In the unit, we will:

  • Observe and respond thoughtfully to the ways beliefs and spirituality are expressed through various art forms
  • Express their beliefs and values through creating a piece of expressive art


In PE, our unit is Gymnastics.

In the unit, we will:

● Understand the importance of pulse raising and warmups. 

● To be able to identify when their pulse has been raised and their body is ready for stretches.

● To know the main parts of the body that need to be stretched prior to a gymnastics session.

● To know basic conditioning exercises to increase strength.

● To understand the importance of conditioning, stretching and endurance in gymnastics.

● To know how to safely move equipment.

● To know how to safely land and finish skills.

● To know how to safely enter and exit group balances and what to do if the balance becomes unsafe.

● To understand the differences between a leap and a jump.


In Computing, our unit is Google - Email

In the unit, we will:

  • Log in and out of email.
  • Send a simple email with a subject plus ‘To’ and ‘From’ in the body of the text.
  • Edit an email.
  • Type in the email address correctly and send the email.
  • Add an attachment to an email.
  • Write an email using positive language, with an awareness of how it will make the recipient feel.
  • Recognise unkind behaviour online and know ow to report it.
  • Offer advice to victims of cyberbullying.
  • Recognise when an email may be fake and explain how they know.


In RHE, our unit is Caring and responsibility.

In the unit, we will learn about:

  •  Being responsible
  • Responsibility and personal space
  • Caring and empathy



In Design and Technology, our unit is Mechanical Systems: Pneumatic toys

In the unit we will:

  • Draw accurate diagrams with correct labels, arrows and explanations.
  • Correctly identify definitions for key terms.
  • Identify five appropriate design criteria.
  • Communicate two ideas using thumbnail sketches.
  • Communicate and develop one idea using an exploded diagram.
  • Select appropriate equipment and materials to build a working pneumatic system.
  • Assemble their pneumatic system within the housing to create the desired motion.
  • Create a finished pneumatic toy that fulfils the design brief

Autumn 2



Our key Historical enquiry question is : How did life progress throughout the Stone Age?

Here are some of the main objectives we will cover:


  • How long did the Stone Age last?
  • Time Line of the Stone Age
  • What are the three periods of the Stone Age?
  • What were early humans like?
  • What was life like during the Stone Age?
  • How did they get their food and what did they eat?
  • What is Skara Brea and why is it important?
  • How did life change throughout this period?


In English,  our core texts for this half term are: 

The Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura 

UG: Boy Genius of the Stone Age by Raymond Briggs  

Woolly Mammoth by Brita Granström


Here are the independent writing outcomes we cover:

Writing to Entertain: Historical Narrative 

Writing to Entertain: Character Description

Writing to Entertain: Free verse Poem

Writing to Inform: Non-chronological report - Woolly Mammoth 


In Science, our unit is Animal including Humans.

Our key enquiry question is: Are all skeletons the same?

In the unit we will:

  • Identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat.
  • Identify and classify bones in the skeleton.
  • Describe the function of the skeleton in the bodies of humans and some other animals.
  • Explain how muscles help us move.  


In Art,  our unit is Painting with mixed media: Prehistoric Art.

In the unit, we will:

  • Discovering how and why our ancient ancestors made art
  • Experimenting with natural materials to make homemade paints
  • Experiment with scale to paint on a range of surfaces.


In Computing, our unit is Programming - Scratch

In the unit we will:

  • Explain what some of the blocks do in Scratch.
  • Explain what a loop is and include one in their program.
  • Suggest possible additions to an existing program.
  • Recognise where something on screen is controlled by code.
  • Use a systematic approach to find bugs.
  • Explain what an algorithm is and its purpose


In French, our unit is French adjectives for shape, colour and size.

In the unit we will:

  • Recognise and name colour words
  • Describe shapes by their size and colour
  • Give and receive instructions that include shape, size and colour vocabulary
  • Create an original piece of artwork in the style of Matisse, following instructions in French
  • Create and describe a festive picture


In RE, we will continue our unit on How do Jew remember God’s convent Abraham and Moses?

In the unit we will:

  • Re-tell some Jewish stories and consider their importance.
  • Discover how Jews express their faith through rituals and actions.
  • Express ideas about the rituals and practices which demonstrate  belonging to a  community


In Music, we are learning how to play the Ukulele with Miss Morrison


In PE, our unit is Dance

In the unit we will:

  • Improvise freely and translate ideas from a stimulus into movement
  • Share and create phrases with a partner or small group
  • Remember and repeat dance perform phrases
  • Coordinate different body parts at the same time to create a dance.
  • Create shapes at different levels to ensure a varied routine. 
  • Use everyday movements (running, jumping etc) to create dance moves


In RHE, our unit is Similarities and difference

In the unit, we will learn:

  •  To value and respect differences
  • About our school community
  • To Value one another and considering people’s feelings 


Autumn 1


Our key Geographical enquiry question is : What physical features make Britain a good place to settle?

Here are some of the main objectives we will cover:


  • What did early settlers need?
  • What are the countries and regions of the UK?
  • How is different land used in settlements?
  • What human and physical features are located in the UK?
  • How can we show features of a settlement on a map?
  • Why is Todmorden a good place to settle? 

In English,  our core text for this half term is 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes.          The Iron Man by Ted Hughes (9780571226122/Paperback) | LoveReading4Kids   

Here are the independent writing outcomes we will cover:

Writing to Entertain: Retell chapter one from the view point of the main character.

Writing to Entertain: Performance poetry - The Coming of the Iron Man by Brenda Williams

Writing to Entertain: Blackout poetry

Writing to Inform:  Ted Hughes - Biography

Writing to Inform: Instructions: How to trap the Iron Man.


In Science, our unit is Forces and Magnets.

Our key enquiry question is: Are all materials magnetic?

In the unit we:

  • Compare how things move on different surfaces
  • Notice that some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance
  • Observe how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some materials and not others
  • Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic materials
  • Describe magnets as having two poles
  • Predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other, depending on which poles are facing.


In Art,  our unit is Growing Artists.

In the unit, we will:

    • Use simple shapes to form the basis of a detailed drawing.
    • Use shading to demonstrate a sense of light and dark in their work.
    • Shade with a reasonable degree of accuracy and skill.
    • Blend tones smoothly and follow the four shading rules.
    • Collect a varied range of textures using frottage.
    • Use tools competently, being willing to experiment.
    • Generate ideas mostly independently and make decisions to compose an interesting frottage image.
    • Make considered cuts and tears to create their ideas.
    • Understand how to apply tone, with some guidance about where to use it.
    • Draw a framed selection of an image onto a large scale with some guidance.
    • Try a range of drawing materials, beginning to demonstrate expressive marks by trying tools in an interesting way.

In Design and Technology, our unit is Mechanical Systems: Pneumatic toys

In the unit we will:

  • Draw accurate diagrams with correct labels, arrows and explanations.
  • Correctly identify definitions for key terms.
  • Identify five appropriate design criteria.
  • Communicate two ideas using thumbnail sketches.
  • Communicate and develop one idea using an exploded diagram.
  • Select appropriate equipment and materials to build a working pneumatic system.
  • Assemble their pneumatic system within the housing to create the desired motion.
  • Create a finished pneumatic toy that fulfils the design brief


In Computing, our unit is Networks and the Internet

In the unit we will:

  • Recognise that a network is two or more devices connected.
  • Explain how information moves around a network and the role of the server.
  • Understand that networks connect to the internet via a router.
  • Explain some of the journey a website goes through to reach your computer.
  • Explain that websites are split into small pieces (packets) to be sent via the internet.


In French, our unit is French Greetings.

In the unit we will:

  • Look carefully at the speaker and respond confidently with the appropriate gesture and phrase.
  • Begin to recognise how some sounds (‘on’, ‘ou’, ‘et’ and ‘oi’) are represented in written form.
  • Link actions or pictures to the new language, both in spoken and written form.
  • Imitate the pronunciation of sounds.
  • Take turns to speak and use appropriate intonation.


In Music, our unit is Ballads

In the unit we will:

  • Identify the key features of a ballad.
  • Perform a ballad using actions.
  • Sing in time and in tune with a song and incorporate actions.
  • Retell a summary of an animation’s story.
  • Write a verse with rhyming words which tell part of a story.
  • Perform their lyrics fluently and with actions.


In RHE, our unit is Healthy and Happy Friendships

In the unit we will learn:

  • · what the different qualities of a healthy, happy friendship are
  • · why listening is an important part of a healthy friendship
  • · the importance of keeping ourselves safe and understanding personal boundaries
  • · how some touch and space boundaries will not be appropriate and how to identify these
  • · how to show respect for people’s personal boundaries
  • · what resilience is, and how we can develop our own resilience
  • · how we can help other people develop their resilience in challenging situations.


In RE, our unit is How do Jew remember God’s convent Abraham and Moses?

  • In the unit we will:
  • Re-tell some Jewish stories and consider their importance.
  • Discover how Jews express their faith through rituals and actions.
  • Express ideas about the rituals and practices which demonstrate  belonging to a  community


In PE, our unit is Invasion Games: Hockey

In the unit we will:

  • Learn how to play an invasion game fairly (Hockey Rules applicable to Y3)
  • Learn how to keep and win back possession of the ball in a team game.
  • Learn how to dribble and pass with a hockey stick
  • Learn how to defend and shoot using a hockey stick




Meet the staff...

Mrs Whittem (class teacher)

Miss Rachel (teaching assistant)

Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR

01706 254848
