Ferney Lee Primary School

Great things happen here

Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR

01706 254848




Curriculum Vision

At Ferney Lee Primary School we strive to instill a lifelong love of learning. 

We want all of our children to become independent, enquiring thinkers and questioners; to be able to work as part of a team and take responsibility for themselves and their own successes.   

Through our curriculum, we aim to provide them with the building blocks for all future learning. 

We teach lessons that encourage an enthusiasm for learning, build on key knowledge, key skills, and concepts.

Our curriculum enables us to celebrate the community around us. To celebrate the diversity we take a 'windows and mirrors' approach ensuring children have the opportunity to see themselves and their culture reflected within the books and themes we teach - helping to develop their personal identity; and 'windows' enabling them to have a view into the cultures, beliefs, and experiences of others.

We celebrate the success of all and work hard to ensure our curriculum is truly inclusive so that every child reaches their full potential, both academically and socially. 

Our Rainbow Values underpin all that we do here and are designed to develop the children's attitude to learning.  They aim to encourage the children at Ferney Lee to be responsible, make the right choices, and persevere, even when things get tough.  We inspire a ‘Never give up' attitude and want all our children to feel safe to be able to make mistakes but learn from them.  

Our enhanced curriculum offers a breadth of opportunities to support and promote every child’s personal development.   Memorable experiences are an intrinsic part of our curriculum, not only to put learning into context but to give our children the chance to explore the wider life experiences that the world has to offer.     

Our aim, for every child, is for them to leave our school feeling a sense of belonging; taking pride in all of their achievements, and be ready to take on future challenges with confidence, resilience, and ambition. 

Curriculum Aims

Ferney Lee Primary School places the children at the centre of all that we do, promoting their development as well-rounded individuals and ensuring all pupils have the chance to succeed and achieve their full potential. 

Our whole school aims are to:

  • Provide high quality, relevant, and meaningful teaching experiences to excite and motivate all children  
  • Focus on progression by sequencing knowledge purposefully and making explicit links between the different subjects being taught  
  • Set high expectations, encouraging ambition and aspiration for all children regardless of their starting points, allowing them to develop confidence in their own ability across the curriculum  
  • Respect and accept diversity and difference  
  • Encourage innovative, creative, and critical thinkers who are equipped for the next stage of their learning.

If you require more information about our curriculum offer, please contact Miss McDaid, Curriculum lead, in the first instance.     

  To view the National Curriculum 2014 click here

Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR

01706 254848
