What’s happening at Ferney Lee?
We are delighted to share with you that Ofsted agree that we are a
GOOD school in ALL areas, following our inspection in February 2023.
As you know, we are committed to continuing to improve our school so that every child reaches their full potential, no matter what their starting point.
Well done to everybody within the Ferney Lee Family!
School News
End of term festivities
We have had lots of fun over the last few weeks from the EYFS and KS1 Nativity performances, KS2 Singing Around the Tree with Music for the Many, our trip to St Mary's Church for the Christingle service, our trip to the Hippodrome to watch the film as well as Christmas jumper and dinner day and fun class parties! Wow what a lot to celebrate.
Thanks to our newly formed PTA - the Friends of Ferney Lee School group who helped school raise over £1200 at the Fair. Well done to everyone involved for a helping to make it one of our most successful school events yet!
We also had a special visitor in school during the last week of term, who brought the gift of a story book for all our EYFS and KS1 children.
Healthy Schools Bronze Award
We were thrilled to receive news from Calderdale Public Health relating to our recent application to becoming a HEALTHY SCHOOL, which shows our commitment to supporting and promoting the health and wellbeing of school community.
Health and Safety update:
We are delighted to announce that, following an audit by the LA, we have maintained our Outstanding 5 star rating in Health and Safety. Well done to the whole team and especially Matthew, our site supervisor, who took a lead role in the audit.
World Book Day
World Down Syndrome Day
We had two celebration days last half term.
For World Book Day we dressed up as our favourite characters and enjoyed a day of fun activities to promote the love of reading.
We also came to school wearing our favourite and wackiest socks in celebration of recognising everyone's uniqueness for World Down Syndrome Day. It was fantastic to see and hear the conversations around school about everyone being different - showing our Open-Minded RAINBOW Value.
Letters to the community...
An Action Team, managed by Sylvie in Year 6 wrote letters to members of our community who are feeling lonely or isolated. The children showed their RAINBOW VALUES and hand-wrote and illustrated their letters which were distributed by one of our parents in the hope that they spread a little cheer.
We were delighted the receive some lovely letters, cards and illustrations back from our pen pals who said they were overjoyed to receive the letters.
The Action Team are busy writing their next letters to their cross-generational pen pals, which aims to develop mutual learning and growth.
Well done to you all!
Well-being Ambassadors
Mrs Kidd has been proud to announce our new Well-being Ambassadors.
Sirine, Tamzin, Neraya and Emily have shown how RESPONSIBLE, INDEPENDENT and OPEN-MINDED they are since taking on the role. Mrs Kidd and the team have met to decide what the group want to achieve and the first thing they have decided on is to use some of our fundraising money to buy a 'BUDDY BENCH' for the playground.
The children have been awarded their special badges and blue high-vis vests to wear out on the playground so that they can be easily found if anyone needs any help or a listening ear!
Christmas Fair
We had an amazing turn out for our Christmas Fair with lots of stalls, games and activities on offer. Each class hosted their stall which ranged from a chocolate tombola, a bottle pull, Save the Present game, to Reindeer hot chocolate, a bauble game and a book/toy sale.
We also had a group of families and friends who organised other activities including a raffle, train game and 'food from around the world' stall.
We were pleased to offer a warm welcome to the Mayor of Todmorden on his first visit to our new school!
Thank you to everyone who came and supported us to raise a staggering £1065!
This will go towards our fundraising plans to buy new playground equipment.
A further thank you to all the local businesses who kindly and generously donated prizes for our raffle and tombola.
Children in Need
Our fundraising day for Children in Need was a fantastic success. Thank you to everyone who has given so generously to this worthy cause.
Well done to Hope, Zain and August who were voted for the top prizes for the cake competition and to Mrs Dobson and the School Council for organising such a fun week of activities.
Music for the Many Orchestra
Our budding musicians have been working incredibly hard again this year with the Music for the Many team to learn a range of instruments. They showcased their talents at Todmorden High School for an evening performance with the orchestra made up of musicians from different schools in Todmorden. It was a wonderful event, offering our children more opportunities to play for a wider audience. Well done to everyone involved!
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is:
Meggie Whittem,
Our Deputy Safeguarding Leads are:
Anne Dobson,
Kelly Williams
or you can contact the Multi Agency Screening Team (MAST) directly on 01422 393336.
Community News
Walsden Scarecrow Festival
We were delighted to take part in this years Scarecrow Festival, making our wonderful entry of Supertato and the Evil Peas in line with the theme of Superheroes. We were delighted to find out we had won the best school entry for a second time, earning us £100 for school funds and a beautiful new trophy for the cabinet! Well done to the children and Zoe for your hard work, team work and creative ideas.
Year 2 Multi-skills interschool competition winners
Year 2 were worthy runners up of the Todmorden Schools Multi-skills event this week. Not only did they show what great sports skills they have, but also showed our RAINBOW Values of Never Giving Up, Independence and Believing in Yourself. They were wonderful team mates too, cheering and encouraging everyone to try their best. Well done to you all!
Todmorden Carnival
Our school was inspired to get creative in this community event, when we went all out to decorate and ride on an 'artic lorry' through the town as part of the carnival parade. We loved dressing up as Woodland Folk and cheering and waving at the crowds. It really was a magical day, made even more special by winning the prize for the best school entry and float.
A huge well done and thank you to everyone who took part and especially Mrs Morrison for helping to organise it all!
Todmorden County Fair
We have enjoyed another year of success at the County Fair, where we showcased our arts and crafts talents. Well done to all the children who had their work entered and to our winning entries. A further well done for being the winning school entry as well!
Well done to everyone who got involved and to Mrs Dobson and Zoe for organising it all!
Gold Book celebration assembly…
You are welcome to join us on Friday mornings from 8.55am in the hall for our Gold Book assembly, to celebrate each other's achievements.
Are you worried about your child's development? Do you need a bit of help?
Our Inclusion page links to many helpful organisations, activities and articles and recommended websites which can help you and your child.
- You can also contact Miss Blanchard our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) to discuss any concerns, regarding your child's learning needs.
Keep up to date:
You can keep up to date with what is happening in school through
our Facebook page: Ferney Lee Primary School Parents & Carers
or via our newsletters....
Previous Newsletters
Ferney Lee Newsletter 13th December 2024
Welcome to our latest newsletter.
Ferney Lee Newsletter 18th October 2024
Welcome to our latest newsletter.
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Ferney Lee Newsletter 7th October 2024We have been informed, unexpectedly, that the school will be used as a Polling Station for a parish by-election on Thursday 14th November. We have had no choice in this and it has not bee…
Ferney Lee Newsletter June 2024 Welcome to the June newsletter. I hope you all had an enjoyable half term break. Go to this Sway
Ferney Lee Newsletter April 2024
Welcome to the latest newsletter and the first of the Summer term. I hope all our families who celebrated Easter had a lovely time as well as our friends and families who celebrated Eid. …
Ferney Lee Newsletter March 2024
Welcome to the last newsletter of the Spring term, which has seen more great things going on across school.
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Ferney Lee Newsletter January 2024
Happy New Year to you all, I hope you have had an enjoyable break over the festive holiday.
Ferney Lee Newsletter December 2023
Welcome to the last newsletter of the term and of 2023!
Ferney Lee Newsletter December 2023
I am pleased to announced that Mike Smith was re-elected as in the recent parent governor elections.
Should you require a paper copy of any of the information on our website, please contact the office using the details below and this will be provided free of charge.
A message home to our Ferney Lee family from all here in school...
Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR
01706 254848