Ferney Lee Primary School

Great things happen here

Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR

01706 254848


Year 1

What are Year 1 learning about this half term?

Summer 2

In History our enquiry question is: Why was Mary Anning such a significant person?                                                 Children will be hooked into the topic by finding out when dinosaurs roamed the earth, what fossils are and what we can learn form them.                                                                                                                                 

  • When did dinosaurs roam the earth?                                                                                                                                       
  • Why do we remember Mary Anning?                                                                                                                                   
  • What did Mary Anning do in her life that was so special?                                                                                                 
  • What made it hard for Mary Anning to do her job?                                                                                                             
  • How do we know about Mary Anning and what she did?                                                                                                 
  • Parents will be invited to a class museum of Mary Anning and her discoveries.
  • We will visit the Manchester museum to look at real dinosaur fossils.                                                                                                                                      

In English our core text this half term are: 

  • Dogs don't do ballet by Anna Kemp and Sarah Ogilvie. With a purpose to inform, write a letter  
  • Shape Poems. With a purpose to entertain, writing poetry. 
  • Mrs Mole I'm home by Jarvis. With A purpose to entertain, write a dialogue between two characters.                                                                                                                       

In Maths children will learn about:

  • Position and direction
  • Numbers to 100
  • Time
  • Money

In Computing the online safety lesson is 'How much time should we spend on technology'. Followed by the unit 'data handling: introduction to data.

  • Represent data in different ways,
  • Use technology to represent data.
  • Go on a mini-beast hunt, collect and record the data.
  • Sort the data.

In Science children will learn about the different seasons with an enquiry question,' why does the weather change during the different seasons?' 

  • Children will learn about the four different seasons. 
  • Observe changes across the four seasons. 
  • Children will observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how the day length varies.
  • Working scientifically children will observe closely using simple equipment, perform simple tests.
  • Use their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions.
  • Gather and record data to help in answering questions.

Music unit: vocal and body sounds. To understand that music can be used to represent an environment and the changes in an environment. Select instruments to match seaside sounds. Recognise and use dynamics and tempo. 

DT unit: Cooking and nutrition: fruit and vegetables.

  • Children will identify if a food is a fruit or a vegetable.
  • Identify where plants grow and which part we eat.
  • Taste and compare fruit and vegetables.
  • Finally make a smoothie. 


In PE children will continue to do athletics.

In RE children will learn who brought messages about God and what did they say?

In PSHE our unit is 'Coping with change.

Our previous learning

Summer 1

In Geography our enquiry question is: : Is the weather the same everywhere in the world?                                   Our areas of learning will be based on the following key questions:                                                                                     

  • What is weather and how does it affect us? 
  • How does the weather change with the seasons in the UK?
  • Can you compare weather changes with another area on a different continent.                                         
  • Why is weather sometimes dangerous?                                                                                                                     
  • What would it be like to live in other countries?
  • Why are some places always frozen?     
  • How is the weather changing on our planet? 

Children will learn that the world is separated into seven continents and how the weather of the country depends on where it is in the world.                                                                                                                                             The role all humans have in tackling climate action.                 

In English our core text this half term are: 

  • Dogs don't do ballet by Anna Kemp and Sarah Ogilvie. 
  • Shape Poems. With a purpose to entertain, writing poetry. 
  • Mrs Mole I'm home by Jarvis. With A purpose to entertain, write a dialogue between two characters.                                                                                                                       

Purposeful writing outcomes are:  Writing to inform: Letter                                                                                                                                                                          Writing to entertain: Poetry                                                                                                                                                                                                           Dialogue between two characters

In Maths children will learn about:

  • Weight and volume
  • Multiplication
  • Division

In Computing the online safety lesson is 'posting and sharing online'. Followed by the unit 'creating media: digital imagery'. Children will plan a story, take clear photos using story props and edit their photos. Then children will search and import images, creating a photo collage.

In Science children will learn about plants with an enquiry question,' do all plants have the same structure?                Children will work scientifically to;

  • Recognise what a plant is.
  • Label parts of a plant.
  • Name and identify a variety of common plants and trees.
  • Describe the basic structure of a variety of common plants
  • Explain the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees. 

Music unit: Pitch and tempo- superheroes. Children will learn the following:

  • How to identify low and high notes.
  • Compose a simple tune.
  • How changes in tempo help to tell a story and make music more exciting.

In Art children will learn to make sculptures using paper.

In PE children will be doing athletics.

In RE children will learn about who brought messages about God and what did they say?

In PSHE our unit is 'Health bodies and healthy minds'.

Spring 2

In History our enquiry question is: Who was the greatest Queen, Elizabeth II or Victoria?                                   Children will learn about;                                                                                                                                                          

  •  How a King or Queen is decided?
  • What a Queen does and if their job has always been the same?
  • Who was Queen Victoria and who was Queen Elizabeth II and how long did they reign for?
  • What were the similarities and differences between the Queens?
  • Who do the children think was the greatest Queen and why?

In English our core text this half term are: Alan's big, scary teeth by Jarvis.  Leo and the octopus by Isabelle Marinov.

Purposeful writing outcomes are: Writing to inform: Fact file                                                                                                                                                                    : Writing to entertain: Story narrative

In Maths children will learn about;

  • subtraction within 20
  • numbers to 50.
  • Introducing length and height

In Computing the online safety lesson is 'posting and sharing online'. Followed by the unit 'Programming    Bee-bots', children will get to know their Bee-bot, make a bee-bot video, plan and follow a precise set of instructions, programme a device and create a programme.

In Science children will learn about plants with an enquiry question,' do all plants have the same structure?                Children will work scientifically to;

  • Recognise what a plant is.
  • Label parts of a plant.
  • Name and identify a variety of common plants and trees.
  • Describe the basic structure of a variety of common plants
  • Explain the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees. 

Music unit: timbre and rhythmic patterns- Fairy tales.

  • Children will use their voices expressively to speak and chant and select suitable instrumental sounds to represent a character.
  • To compose and play a rhythm.
  • To recognise how timbre is used to represent characters in a piece of music.
  • Learn how to keep the pulse using untuned instruments.

In D&T children will learn to make a moving story book.

  • Children will explore making mechanisms such as sliders and movement.
  • They will design their moving story book and construct a moving picture.
  • Children will test their finished product by reading it to the children in Reception class.
  • Children will evaluate their books.

In PE children will perform gymnastics. They will learn;

  • To have a basic understanding that conditioning builds muscle strength & endurance
  • To know how to safely land and finish skills.
  • To know all basic gymnastics shapes.
  • To know how to safely forward roll.
  • To understand that it is important for us to warm up before we start gymnastics.
  • To know that we only jump once on a springboard
  • To know how to safely enter and exit partner balances and what to do if the balance becomes unsafe.
  • To know how long balances are held for (3 seconds)using simple movement patterns.

In RE children will learn how and why do we care for others.

In PSHE our unit is 'Families and committed relationships- The importance of family'.

  • Describe what a family is.
  • Talk about the different types of families.
  • What the similarities and differences are between families.
  • What people in families do for one another.
  • Why families are special.
  • Who is special in our own families.

Spring 1

In Geography our enquiry question is: Are all the countries in the UK the same?                                      Children will learn about:   

  • What country we live in                                                                     
  • The four countries that make up the UK  
  • Where the countries are located 
  • What a capital city is and what are the capital cities of the UK are
  • The features and characteristics of the countries of the UK
  • Why people go on holiday in the UK

In English our core text this half term are: The hibernation Hotel by John Kelly, The way back home (short film) and riddles.                                                                                                                                                                              Purposeful writing outcomes are: Writing to inform: non-chronological report                                                                                                                                  : Writing to entertain: a character description                                                                                                                                  : Writing to entertain: compose own riddle

In Maths children will learn about

  • Numbers to 20
  • Addition within 20
  • Subtraction within 20

In Computing the online safety lesson is 'always be kind and considerate'.                                                                   The unit title is 'skills showcase: Rocket to the moon'. Children will learn:

  • To recognise that digital content can be represented in many form
  • Design a rocket using a graphics editing programme
  • To sequence a set of instructions
  • To build a rocket
  • To test a design and record it

In Science children will continue to learn about animals including humans with an enquiry question of: do all animals have the same body parts? Children will learn:

  • What our body parts are called                                             
  • What are senses?
  • Are all humans the same?

The music theme is archived classical music, dynamic and tempo. Children will learn:

  • To use percussion and body expressively in response to music                                                                                     
  • To sing a song in sections 
  • To perform a song
  • To use instruments to create different sounds
  • To create and choose sounds

Art unit: Painting and mixed media- colour splash. Children will learn:

  • To investigate how to mix secondary colours  
  • To apply knowledge of colour mixing when painting
  • To explore colour when printing
  • To experiment with paint mixing to make a range of secondary colours
  • To apply their painting skills when working in the style of an artist- Clarice Cliff

In PE children will perform dances using simple movement patterns.

In RE children will learn about what it means to belong to a church or mosque. They will learn what they might see in a mosque or church building, and what the people do when they go there.  They will begin to understand that there are differences and similarities between churches and mosques, but that not all churches or mosques are the same.  They will learn that churches and mosques are special places for the people who go there.

In PSHE our unit is 'My special people'. We will discuss who the special people are in our lives, why they are important, how they care and keep us safe and, who can help us if we are worried and scared.

Autumn 2

In History our enquiry question is: How has childhood changed in the last 100 years? 

The children will learn about:                                    

  • What schools were like 100 years ago?
  • The activities children did after school in the past and in the present
  • How homes were different in the past?
  • How toys have changed over the last century?
  • Why have toys changed?
  • Would they like to be a child in the past or the present? 

In English our core texts are:

  • The Sound Collector by Roger McGough
  • Stanley's Stick by Neal Layton
  • With love from Mrs Claus (short film).

In Maths children will learn:

  • Subtraction within 10
  • 2D and 3D shapes

The Science topic this term is children Animals including humans. With an enquiry question of; do all animals have the same body parts? Children will learn:

  • To identify and name a variety of common animals
  • To compare how animals are different
  •  Do all animals eat the same food?                 

In Computing children will learn about Programming: Algorithms unplugged.

  • Understand what an algorithm is
  • Follow instructions precisely to carry out instructions
  • Understand that computers and devices around us use inputs and outputs
  • Understand and explain what decomposition is

In music the theme is Pulse and rhythm- All about me. Children will learn to identify the difference between the pulse and rhythm of a song and consolidate their understanding of these concepts through listening and performing activities.

In D&T children will make their own puppets. They will learn:

  • How to join fabrics together using different methods
  • To design a puppet using a template
  • To decorate the puppet to match their design.

In PE children will continue to take part in team games, including participating in the Todmorden inter-schools team games competition with other year 1 classes from local schools. 

In RE children will learn about how we celebrate special events.

In PSHE children will learn about similarities and differences- Recognising strengths and respecting differences

Autumn 1

In Geography our enquiry question is: What is the geography of Todmorden?                                                         The children will learn about:

  • Where our school is on the map and the features of our school grounds
  • Create a map of the classroom
  • The difference between towns, cities, and villages
  • The human and physical features in Todmorden 
  • How we make Todmorden a better place

 In English our core texts are:

  • The Storm Whale by Benji Davies 
  • Book of butterflies (short film) 
  • Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper

 In Maths children will learn:

  • Numbers to 10
  • Part-whole within 10 
  • Addition within 10

 In Art children will:

  • Explore different types of lines
  • Mark make waves
  • Experiment with different media
  • Learn drawing techniques 
  • Draw from observation

 In Music the theme is Musical vocabulary-Under the sea. Children will learn about:

  • Pulse and rhythm
  • Sounds are called timbres. 
  • Recognise temp, dynamic and pitch changes
  • Describe the difference between two pieces of music. 

 In Computing children will learn about computing systems and networks: improving mouse skills

  • Online safety
  • Logging in
  • Click and drag skills
  • Drawing shapes
  • Drawing a story
  • Create a self portrait using digital techniques

 In PE children will learn about team games.

 In Science children will learn about everyday materials, with an enquiry question of:

                       Which materials are suitable for an umbrella?                                                                                                         

In RE children will learn about which books and stories are special?

In PSHE children will learn about healthy and happy relationships.

Meet the staff

Mrs Nisah

Class teacher

Mrs Humes   

support assistant

Miss Paige

Support assistant

Core text to support our learning in Year 1

Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR

01706 254848
