Ferney Lee Primary School

Great things happen here

Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR

01706 254848


Welcome to Year 4!

What are Year 4 learning about in Autumn 1?

In our first half term, our Geographical enquiry question is:

'How would living in Italy compare with living in England?'

In our Geography lessons, we will compare the climate, crops, physical geography, settlements, landmarks and capital cities of England and Italy. 

In English, we will complete a Place Value of Punctuation and Grammar unit concentrating on different nouns, verbs and clauses to create accurate sentence structure.

For our class text, we will be reading, 'The Boy who Biked the World, Part One: On the Road to Africa' by Alastair Humphreys. 

In Maths, we will learn about the Place Value of numbers up to 10,000, which includes rounding, ordering, comparing and representing numbers in different ways. 

In Science, we will explore, 'States of Matter' by answering the enquiry question, 'Can a material change from being a solid, a liquid or a gas?'

In Art, we will create 'Power Prints' where we will use drawing and a combination of mixed media images for effect when developing a drawing into a print. 

In PE, we will begin weekly swimming lessons on a Wednesday and learn how to play as part of a team during Tag Rugby lessons every Thursday.  

In Music, we will use a mixture of body percussion and tuned percussion instruments to create own rhythms of the rainforest. 

In PSHE/RHE, we will answer the question, 'How can we make and maintain a good friendship?'

In RE, we will begin the unit called, 'How are important events remembered?' where we will explore festivals of light from Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Paganism, Chinese New Year and Ancient Civilisations.

In French, we will learn adjectives for describing people’s physical appearance and their personality. We will then created simple sentences ensuring that the adjectives agree with the gender of the noun.

In Computing, we will learn how to stay safe online. 

Keep checking our individual Learning Journeys on Seesaw for photos of us enjoying our learning!

Meet the staff...

Miss Blanchard (Class Teacher)

Miss Bury (HLTA)

Mrs Adams (Teaching Assistant)

Welcome to our Library...

Below are the some of texts and literature we will be using in Year 4 to support the delivery of our curriculum. 

Below are the some of texts and literature we will be using in Year 4 to support the delivery of our PSHE and RHE curriculum. 

Throughout the year, we add the books we read as a class to our beautiful Class Reading tree on the wall outside our classroom. 

Ferney Lee Road, Todmorden,
Lancs, OL14 5NR

01706 254848
